Photo by Dainis Graveris on Unsplash

Sexual health series: top 5 things to remember for sexual intercourse

Ariane Gacionis
2 min readDec 23, 2021


  1. Do not fear being yourself.
    Whether you are a virgin or, you enjoy having sex with various folks weekly, it is essential to remember to own who you are and not be ashamed.
    Often, when women sleep around they are shamed, and when men are still virgins after the age of 21 they are shamed. Other people’s opinions of what we do with our sexual life should not matter.
    If cisgendered men can be glorified for how many people they sleep with, then everyone else should be able to have wonderful sex just as often weekly.
    If cisgendered women are seen as more “pure” when virgins, then cisgendered men should not be shamed for not having had sexual activities either.
  2. Purity does not exist.
    There is no such thing as someone who is more or less ‘pure’ than someone else.
  3. Sex can blur how we feel.
    Unfortunately, sex can blur our emotions. As we know, sex is an intimate act. Some folks have open intimacy, others are more closed off, however, it is the same for all who have sexual intercourse with someone they would like to be with: sex can make it difficult to know how we feel about someone.
    Sex is fun, freeing, loving, intimate, but it can also be depressing, fatiguing and draining. Sex can become a coping mechanism, and when it does, it can blur some of the most important issues.
  4. Communication
    Clitoris and stimulation changes according to the individual, sex can be one way with one person but be completely different with someone else. The key? Communication. It is important (and attractive) when someone checks in with us about our wants and needs, our likes and dislikes.
  5. Porn is not reality.
    Many people do not realize until they are in bed with the other person, however, porn is a fantasy. Porn stars are actors, which means, the positions may not even be comfortable or realistic for actual sex.

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Ariane Gacionis

My name is Ariane Gacionis, and I like to share pieces about sexual health, and I sometimes share some mindfulness.